APS-2000AER Visual Electrophysiology Diagnostic System
APS-2000AER Visual Electrophysiology Diagnostic System
APS-2000AER Visual Electrophysiology Diagnostic System
APS-2000AER Visual Electrophysiology Diagnostic System
APS-2000AER Visual Electrophysiology Diagnostic System
APS-2000AER Visual Electrophysiology Diagnostic System
APS-2000AER Visual Electrophysiology Diagnostic System
APS-2000AER Visual Electrophysiology Diagnostic System
  • APS-2000AER Visual Electrophysiology Diagnostic System

Standard design

A. Flash stimulator  B. Amplifier  C. Color picture stimulatorD. Monitor of computer  E. Printer  F. Host computer

3. Accessories

G. Manual  H. Usb wire  I. Electrode  J. Main cable of electrode

K. Commutator for display card  L. Blinkers(For HVEP)  M. Conductive gel

N. Bandage  O. softdog  P. Flash lamp   Q. Background lamp      R. Oscilloprobe

4. Hardware introduction

A. flash stimulator

Provide stimulating light and background illumination with different spectrum(Color), frequency and intensity. (For  FVEP, FERG, OPS, EOG)

B.  picture stimulator

Provide graphics of visual field with different spatial frequency, color, stimulating frequency.(For  PVEP, PERG)

C. amplifier

Magnify and processing the signal which be input through electrode, then transmit into computer.

D.monitor of computer

Supply work interface of APS visual electric diagnostic system.

E. printer

Print report

F. host computer

Analyse signal input from magnifier,keyboard and mouse, then save and output into printer and monitor.

I. electrode

Include Skin electrode and gold hook electrode, which gather eye electrical signals and transmit into magnifier. (Skin electrode for PVEP, HVEP, PERG, EOG; gold hook electrode for FVEP , FERG, OPS)

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